Axion 50 plus

Axion 50 plus is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide people aged 50 and over, retired or still active in the labor market, recreation and activities in order to maintain moral and physical health, to create bonds of belonging and to break the isolation.

Our organization offers more than 125 varied activities touching several levels of different fields such as: physical activities, visual arts, performing arts, music, computer, languages, team sports, board games, outings, trips, outdoor adventures and training room. In addition, Axion 50 plus offers problem-testing clinics (deafness, vision, blood pressure), secure call services and a transport-grocery service to people living in Chomedey, in residence.

What a good feeling to come home when you have achieved a goal or met new people. The human being needs to interact with others, to exchange ideas, opinions, to share interests or passions. After age 50, the desire to realized ourself is stronger. The health and well-being of our seniors is at the heart of our mission. Considering that we have more than 6,000 seniors who are members of our organization, we aspire to rejuvenate the image of Axion 50 plus and increase the number of members aged 50 to 65 and members from ethnic communities.

Seniors are our primary motivation; It goes without saying that we are perpetuating the privileged place that we reserve for them in our action strategies. In order to maximize the participation of those aged 50 and over, we have opted for a new name for our organization. "Axion 50 plus" is now what identifies our organization.