What is hypoacusis?
Hypoacusis is a partial or total loss of hearing acuity. It can occur suddenly or progressively.
The extent of the condition can vary widely, affecting a person’s ability to hear certain sounds partially or fully. Not all sounds (frequencies) are affected equally. For example, a person might be able to hear low tones (like engine sounds) very well, while higher tones (like birds chirping) are inaudible.
Hypoacusis goes by many names. It is also known as hearing loss or deafness.
There are many signs of hypoacusis. They include:
- Frequently asking people to repeat themselves
- Turning up the volume on the TV
- Trouble understanding speech in noise or when in a group
- Trouble hearing certain sounds (a telephone ringing, birds chirping)
Conditions that can cause hypoacusis include:
- Earwax buildup
- Otitis
- Age (this is known as presbycusis)
- Noise exposure (sometimes known as occupational deafness)
- Genetics (associated with a hereditary condition or illness)
- Illness (bacterial meningitis, childhood infections, Ménière’s disease, etc.)
- Issues present at birth (congenital malformations, low birth weight, extreme prematurity, lack of oxygen at birth, etc.)
Impact of hypoacusis
It’s worth noting that uncorrected hearing loss can decrease the brain’s ability to recognize and understand speech. In children, hypoacusis can affect learning and language development. It is therefore essential to detect and treat it early.
Hypoacusis affects not only the person with the condition, but those around them as well:
- Social isolation (withdrawing from certain situations or activities because the person has too much trouble hearing or communicating)
- Loss of independence (e.g. inability to have a phone conversation)
- Safety risks (inability to hear alarms or sirens)
- Reduced quality of life
If you believe you have hypoacusis, it is recommended to see an audiologist for a hearing assessment. Depending on the results, hearing aids may be recommended.
Communication strategies are also recommended for you and those around you. They can be found in our guide, Communication strategies for hearing-impaired people!
However, if you experience sudden hearing loss, consult an audiologist and an ENT specialist as soon as possible. There is a better chance of recovering hearing if it is treated within 72 hours.
For more information, ask a hearing health professionnal practicing in a Lobe clinic by calling 1 866 411-LOBE (5623).