What is hearing loss?
While hearing loss is often associated with aging, it can affect anyone. Hearing loss goes by many names. For example, it may be called hypoacusis or deafness.
No matter which term is used, hearing loss involves a partial or total loss of the ability to hear sounds. It may be temporary or permanent, gradual or sudden, and affect one or both ears. It can also vary in severity, from minor to profound.
Here are some of the symptoms of hearing loss:
- Frequently asking others to repeat themselves
- Turning up the volume on the TV
- Trouble understanding speech in noise or when in a group
- Trouble hearing certain sounds (e.g. a phone ringing, birds chirping)
- Replying vaguely or incorrectly during a conversation
There are many causes of hearing loss. Here are a few:
- Earwax plugs
- Otitis
- Age (this is known as presbycusis)
- Noise exposure (sometimes known as occupational deafness)
- Genetics (associated with a hereditary condition or illness)
- Illness (bacterial meningitis, childhood infections, Ménière’s disease, etc.)
- Issues present at birth (congenital malformations, low birth weight, extreme prematurity, lack of oxygen at birth, etc.)
Impact of hearing loss
Uncorrected hearing loss (i.e. that is not treated with hearing aids) can decrease the brain’s ability to recognize and understand speech. It may also cause some people to isolate themselves, fearing that they won’t be able to understand conversations.
In children, even minor hearing loss can affect learning and language development. It is therefore essential to detect and treat hearing loss early.
If you believe you have hearing loss, the first step is to make an appointment for a free* hearing health consultation.
If you do have hearing loss, know that there are many solutions available to improve your quality of life. For instance, you may be able to use a number of communication strategies. These simple techniques can be used not only by you, but by those around you as well. Depending on the results of the assessment and the difficulties found, the audiologist may also recommend hearing aids.
However, if you experience sudden hearing loss, consult an hearing health professionnal as soon as possible. There is a better chance of recovering hearing if it is treated within 72 hours.
*Permanent offer. 18 and over.
For more information, ask a hearing health professionnal practicing in a Lobe clinic by calling 1 866 411-LOBE (5623).