Learn about the communication strategies
People with hearing loss often use communication strategies without even realizing it. They develop techniques to limit the effects of their hearing loss. For example, they may watch the speaker carefully and eliminate background noise during a discussion.
To help simplify the lives of people with hearing loss, we have collected a series of tips for communicating with friends, family and colleagues. These techniques, designed for everyday life, can be used by those around the hearing-impaired person to make sure they understand what is being said.
Advice for people with hearing loss
- If you own hearing aids, make sure to wear them 4 to 6 hours a day, from the first day.
- Use assistive listening device to make understanding speech easier (e.g. a personal amplifier, listening system for the TV or telephone with amplifier).
- Try to move away from background noise (e.g. TVs, music, lawnmowers, etc.).
- During a conversation, concentrate on the speaker and make sure you can see their face.
- Don’t pretend to understand something—instead, try asking questions to make sure you’ve understood fully.
- Make sure to check important information (e.g. “My appointment is at 1:00, right?”).
- In noisy areas such as restaurants or clubs, use the communication strategies provided in the guide Communication strategies for hearing-impaired people. The guide is available in all Lobe clinics.
Don’t be afraid to mention that you have hearing loss; people will understand and can react accordingly.
Here are some more tips for loved ones.
Advice for loved ones
- Before speaking to someone with hearing loss, make sure that you have their attention, for example by saying their name.
- When speaking, enunciate clearly and speak more slowly.
- During a conversation, face the person with hearing loss and make sure you are close enough that they can read your lips or your facial expressions.
- If you see that the person is having trouble understanding you, try rephrasing.
- Try to hold conversations in quieter areas.
To learn more about communication strategies, see the Communication strategies for hearing-impaired people!
For more information, ask a hearing health professional practicing in a Lobe clinic by calling 1 866 411-LOBE (5623).