
Our creativity and our understanding of consumers allow us to design buildings that integrate people and meet their needs. Beyond being a real estate company, we aim to be useful in people's lives and make a difference.

Creators of living environment

We imagine, transform, develop and manage places to live, work and trade, offering much more than buildings, but thoughtful destinations that go beyond the expectations of today's and tomorrow's life.

Multiservices centers - Cogir

Living in a COGIR residence means having simplified access to a variety of services offered by certified and specialized professionals, available to meet your needs, without even having to travel outside.

Audioprosthetist, denturologist, optometrist, physiotherapist, massage therapist, podiatry nurse, notary, accountant, are just some examples of professionals who can serve you.

The Multiservices Centers, a unique and innovative project in the field of private homes for seniors, offer security and peace of mind to you and your family.