Listening to Music Safely
Thanks to technology (especially smartphones and tablets), we can now listen to music anytime, anywhere.
Young people have quickly taken to listening to their favourite songs this way, often using headphones. However, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), 50% of young people aged 12 to 35 are at risk of developing hearing loss caused by exposure to loud sounds in their leisure time.
The WHO recently published a new standard to make it safer to use electronic devices to listen to music. In particular, the organization suggests installing parental controls to set a maximum listening volume. It also suggests that manufacturers provide a safe listening guide. Teens and young adults need to understand that listening to loud music can irreversibly damage their hearing.
Good Habits to Develop
A good way to limit the effects of prolonged exposure to music is to not exceed 60% of the maximum volume of the device. There are also other ways to prevent hearing loss associated with overexposure to noise. For example, custom silicone earmolds can be purchased to connect to earbud-style headphones. The custom earmolds have holes that allow sounds to reach the eardrum, but block outside noises. Because outside noises are blocked, the listener doesn’t have to turn up the volume to hear their music properly. This reduces the number of decibels reaching the inner ear, and therefore the risk of injury. In addition, the custom earmolds are more comfortable and help the earbuds fit in the ear canal better. This can be very convenient for those who like to run or exercise while listening to music on their phones.
To obtain this type of earmold, simply make an appointment with an audioprosthetist, who will make a mold of your ears. Remember to bring your earbuds to the appointment so that the audioprosthetist can make sure they’ll fit in the earmolds.
Musicians and music teachers can also benefit from musicians’ earmolds, which reduce frequencies equally. Finally, you can buy custom earbuds that are molded to your ear, which provide better soundproofing.
In conclusion, it is important to take care of your hearing when you’re young, because the damage caused by prolonged exposure to loud sounds can be irreversible. Many young people are at risk of developing hearing loss, so it’s extremely important to be aware of good listening habits.
If you have symptoms of hearing loss, it is important to have a free hearing screening (permanent offer, 18 and older).