Two Ways to Have Your Hearing Assessed

The hearing screening test and the complete hearing assessment are used to examine the state of a person’s hearing. Even if their names are similar, these two tests are very different. Here’s how.

The Hearing Screening Test

Hearing screening is often the first step when someone has doubts about their hearing or wants to start managing their hearing loss. This test is offered free of charge*. Hearing screening provides a snapshot of a person’s hearing to determine if they need a more thorough hearing examination later. The screening is performed using the DécibelleTM iPad app. This app plays four different frequencies in each ear using calibrated headphones. The test takes about 15 minutes. For that reason, it doesn’t allow a diagnosis to be made. This test can be performed by an audioprosthetist, a specialized educator or a hearing health nurse.

The Complete Hearing Assessment

The complete hearing assessment, on the other hand, is performed by an audiologist in a soundproof booth, where several sounds are played at different frequencies and volumes. Unlike the hearing screening test, the complete examination determines the degree, nature and configuration of the hearing loss. This examination lasts about 60 minutes. Following the examination, the audiologist will make sure that the patient is given a proper treatment plan that suits their needs. They will advise the patient on steps to take or habits to develop.

Permanent offer. 18 and over.