Protecting Yourself during Summer : It Takes More than Sunscreen!
Adjustable earmuffs
Summer is usually a time for outdoor festivals and concerts. While we don’t yet know what summer 2021 will look like, we can all dream of attending an outdoor concert and enjoying the good weather.
People are often more exposed to loud volumes in the summer. For example, during a concert, the sound can reach up to 110 dB(A). That volume can easily damage your hearing, especially if you’re exposed to it for more than 15 minutes a day. In comparison, a normal conversation is closer to 60 dB(A). Earmuffs are an effective way to temporarily protect your hearing. They cover the ears and attenuate ambient sound, preventing excessive volume from damaging hearing.
Protecting Children’s Hearing…
Children are also more vulnerable to loud noises because they aren’t used to protecting themselves. For that reason, it’s recommended that they wear earmuffs during loud activities. Other things—such as fireworks, movies, and even some toys—can also impact your children’s hearing. The sounds they generate can be just as damaging if they’re close to the ears for extended periods of time.
Fortunately, children’s earmuffs that attenuate noise by 26 dB(A) are available at all Lobe clinics and online at boutique.lobe.ca. They aren’t just good for concerts, they can also be used, in moderation, for homework or reading. It’s a good way to improve children’s concentration and protect their hearing health.
…and Adults’, Too!
Of course, adults also need to protect their hearing when noises get too loud. For that reason, our online shop— boutique.lobe.ca—also carries adult earmuffs. Custom noise protectors are also a good option, especially if you’re a musician or if you work in a loud environment. You can learn more about this solution in the articles on pages 16 and 17.
If you’d like to find out more about custom noise protectors, you can make an appointment with an audioprosthetist. They will be happy to give you advice and cast a mold of your auditory canal so your custom noise protectors are perfectly tailored to the unique shape of your ear.
Hearing protectors are a critical tool for preventing hearing loss. After all, you’re never too old (or too young) to start taking care of your hearing!
Don’t hesitate to request a free* hearing health consultation.
- Emsee. Conservation d’Ouïe. En ligne. http://www.emsee.ca/fr_protection.html. Consulté le 2 février 2021.
Gouvernement du Québec. Effets du bruit environnemental sur la santé. En ligne. https://www.quebec.ca/sante/conseils-et-prevention/sante-et-environnement/effets-du-bruitenvironnemental-sur-la-sante/mesure-du-bruit/. Consulté le 2 février 2021.
Hop Toys. Solutions pour une société inclusive. 5 idées d’utilisation du casque anti-bruit. En ligne. https://www.bloghoptoys.fr/5-idees-dutilisation-casque-nti-bruit#:~:text =L’effet%20apaisa nt%20du%20port,d’%C3%A9motions%20li%C3%A9es%20au%20stress. Consulté le 2 février 2021.