Bring on the Music... But Not Too Loud!

Tips for listening to your music safely


We’re introduced to music as children, and it often becomes an integral part of our lives. We associate it with memories, significant moments, and people who crossed our path. It’s sad to think that listening to these tunes that mean so much to us could cause major—and possibly even permanent—damage to our hearing if their volume is too loud. Any sound, whether it’s a jackhammer or your favourite song, can cause irreversible damage to your ears (like tinnitus or hearing loss) if it’s too loud for too long.

According to a recent study, one billion young people around the world may suffer from hearing loss caused by listening to music too loudly.The World Health Organization (WHO) has published new standards for various entertainment venues to address this increased risk. However, we can’t overlook the importance of our own role in protecting our hearing.

What Exactly is "Too Loud" ?

First of all, let’s clarify what we mean by “loud sounds” and “noisy environments.” For example, if you have to raise your voice or have trouble understanding someone talking to you from a few feet away, you’re probably in a place that could be affecting your hearing. The same is true if you experience discomfort in your ears after playing music around the house.

Listening repeatedly to music at loud volumes, either with headphones, in your car, or at a concert, can damage or even destroy your hair cells (the sensory cells that pick up sound vibrations) and cause hearing loss.

Here are some tips for listening to your music safely:

When Wearing Headphones

  • Get headphones that fit your ears properly. That way, you can hear the music clearly without having to turn up the volume.

  • Choose headphones with built-in noise reduction so that even if the volume of your music is turned down low, surrounding sounds won’t be noticeable.

  • Follow the 60/60 rule : 60 minutes of listening at 60% of your device’s maximum volume. If you plan on listening for more than an hour, turn down the volume.

At a Concert

  • Move as far away as possible from sound sources (speakers).

  • Wear earplugs to muffle the sound of the music. Make sure they’re adjusted properly and wear them the entire time you’re at the concert.

  • Take breaks. Go to a quiet place away from the noise to rest your ears.

While listening to music at a lower volume may involve changing your habits, remember that doing so will let you keep listening to your favourite song for years to come. Every note deserves to be heard.