Fire! Can You Hear the Alarm?

The Importance of Fire Prevention


Fire prevention is important, because the consequences of neglecting it can be severe. Whether you live in a house, an apartment, or a senior’s home, it’s critical that you react as soon as a fire alarm goes off.

That’s why it’s important to do everything you can to make sure you’re alerted right away. If you have hearing loss or wear hearing aids that you remove at night, you should consider using additional measures to keep you safe.

For instance, you can install a system under your bed that will shake your mattress if a fire alarm goes off. If you live in an apartment or senior’s home, you can hook it up to the building’s central alarm. These systems also come with a strobe light that will turn on in the event of a fire. The systems are handy for more than fire alarms, too; you can connect them to your phone ringer or front door, making your everyday life easier.

If you live in a house, make sure your smoke alarms are working by changing the batteries twice a year, at the beginning and end of daylight saving time.

The Importance of Fire Drills

Remember, it’s important to take part in fire drills! After all, your safety is at stake. They allow the people responsible for fire safety to make sure that the alarm is working and that you can get help if you need it.

Fire drills also help you:

  • Recognize the sound of the building’s fire alarm
  • Locate the nearest exit (remember, elevators won’t be working if there is a fire)
  • Locate the outdoor meeting point chosen by building managers and the fire department

Note that buildings all have two emergency exits, in case one is obstructed by smoke or debris. It’s important to identify both of them.

If a fire does happen, your first instinct should be to head to a safe place. However, you won’t know to do that unless you’ve done everything in your power to ensure that the fire alarm is triggered automatically and that you can hear or see the alarm. It could save your life.

For more details on the systems available for the hearing impaired people, don't hesitate to consult your audioprosthesist!