Hearing Aids: When Can My Child Start Wearing Them?
With hearing screening introduced in hospitals at birth, hearing loss is being detected earlier and earlier.
Parents often wonder when their child can start wearing hearing aids. The answer is simple: there is no lower age limit for fitting a child with hearing aids. Whether the child is a few weeks, months or years old, the important thing is that a diagnosis has been made and that the child’s level of hearing loss has been determined as accurately as possible using tests performed by audiologists. Since babies’ hearing is a little harder to assess, it can take a few months before their level of hearing loss becomes clear. In that case, several appointments may be needed to find the right hearing aids. The earlier the baby or child is fitted, the less risk there is for language development delays.
The Characteristics of Hearing Aids for Children
A model of behind-the-ear hearing aids is ideal for children, in order to adjust to the hearing loss, which can change over time. To make them more attractive to children, these hearing aids are available in a wide range of colours. Behind-the-ear hearing aids also have a direct audio input that allows children to pair their hearing aids with a classroom listening system, so they can hear their teacher’s voice better.
Keeping Hearing Aids in Place
It’s important to place the hearing aids in the ear properly to make sure they stay in place. Of course, at that age, some children are especially active! That’s why there are accessories that can help keep young children's hearing aids in place. For example, retention cords or headbands may be a good idea. Retention cords attach to the child’s clothing and hearing aids. That way, if the child were to lose a hearing aid during a soccer game, it would stay attached to their jersey instead of falling on the field. Headbands also prevent hearing aids from falling off by holding them a little tighter against the head. They’re available in many colours, so there’s something to suit every child’s tastes! A ring that is fitted around the ear and attached to hearing aids can also be used to keep the hearing aids on small ears.
For more advice on hearing aids for children, talk to an audioprosthetist. They will be happy to help you.
Don't forget!
An assessment by an audioprosthetist is required to determine which hearing aid suits the patient's needs.