Bluetooth Connectivity
Electronic hearing aids now come with Bluetooth wireless connectivity, thanks to a simple remote.
Electronic hearing aids now come with Bluetooth wireless connectivity, thanks to a simple remote. They can finally be paired with up to eight different devices, including home and mobile phones, TVs, computers, GPS systems and MP3 players.
Connection examples
Mobile phone
If your mobile phone is equipped with Bluetooth, you can now talk on the phone without needing to hold it up to your ear. You simply need to use the remote to pair the phone to your hearing aids. The caller’s words are sent to your hearing aids, and you can answer through the remote.
Bluetooth-enabled TV
If your TV comes with Bluetooth technology, you can now hear it directly in your hearing aids. The sound is sent wirelessly to your hearing aid remote, which then transmits it to your hearing aids. This way, you can benefit from the excellent sound quality of your hearing aids when watching your favourite movies or TV shows. Adapters are available for TVs that aren’t equipped with Bluetooth. Home phone: hear the caller in both ears! You can now hear the phone in both ears (binaural listening) if you have a Bluetooth-enabled home phone. When your phone rings, all you have to do is press the “telephone” button on your hearing aid remote and you will be able to hear the caller in both ears!
Bluetooth-enabled GPS
You can now hear directions from your GPS through your hearing aids by simply pairing the devices. Whether you’re driving or hiking, your GPS can send verbal instructions directly to your hearing aids.
Music with high-quality headphones
By simply pairing your Bluetooth-enabled MP3 player, your computer or your Bluetooth home sound system with your hearing aid remote, you can hear music better than ever before!
Battery and Bluetooth use
Transferring data from a Bluetooth device to a hearing aid remote requires energy. If you want to make the most of Bluetooth and your hearing aids, you can purchase an external battery pack to extend the life of your remote’s battery.
For more information, ask an audioprosthetist or a specialized educator practicing in a Lobe clinic by calling 1 866 411-LOBE (5623).